Partial XLPE Line - 4 1/2" Davis Standard Extruder REMOVED (E08)
Product range: 750 MCM (Al. Cu.) - 8 AWG
Line Speed: 500 FPM
Line Direction: Left to Right
(2) 84" Kabmatik Portal gantry shaftless payoffs
Motorized lift both sides
Motorized width adjustment both sides
Driven, 20 HP DC Reliance motors, Eurotherm 590 drives, Allen Bradley PLC5/20
TEC Portable Striping Extruder,
Model 125-24VE,
Serial Number176
Year of Manufacture1990
(no motor),
Eurotherm 32h8 temp controllers,
Sew Eurodrive gearbox
Davis Standard 3 wheel Load cell
48" metering belt type caterpuller, 4" w belts
MSC3039 - SOLD 10/27/22 JN-21301
Viteck 11.5' entry trough (6" x 6") - note used to be hand crank in/out
CAP956 - SOLD 10/27/22 JN-21301
Multi-passwater trough, 32" dia wheels (2x2), 9' entry (top) and 35' in between trough (top and bottom),6"deep x 8"w4', 3 air wipe drying section
TST1082 - SOLD 5/6/22 JN-20402
Clinton spark tester,
Model AC30AR/BD-A418
Serial NumberA418-0017
Dual Tire Puller
54" Bartell LC-54 belt caterpuller, 15 HP DC motor w/4 speed Driveall, Eurotherm 590+ Drive (loose)
(2) 84" Cabletrade Portal gantry shaftless Take-ups
Motorized lift both sides
Motorized width adjustment both sides
Gantry version -15HP DC motor w/Nord 25.83:1 reducer
Floor side open version- 20HP DC motor w/4 speed Driveall
Guarded with overhead garage door style entry
Note: Dryer Not Available